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AIMP v3.1x バースデイアップデート

AIMP v3.1x バースデイアップデートを実施

Tomorrow, August 8th, AIMP will celebrate his 6th birthday!

AIMP v3.10 Build 1072 (07.08.2012)

* Common: Localizations has been updated
* Sound Engine: The algorithm of advanced channels processing has been improved
* Skin Engine: Compatibility with AIMP2 skins has been improved
* Plugins: Rendering speed of visualizations has been increased
* Plugins: Compatibility with Client v2 has been improved

– Fixed: The Audio Converter ignores command line switches
– Fixed: The Audio Converter raises an exception, if “move output to…” options is active and target path is empty
– Fixed: The Audio Converter increases tempo of composition twice when encoding to MP3 Mono format
– Fixed: Player used to jump over one track after deleting file from the playlist in some cases
– Fixed: Player resumes playback on startup incorrectly, if previously playing file has been removed from the playlist
– Fixed: Player resumes playback queue incorrectly, if two or more playlists has same name
– Fixed: Incremental search does not work in the Tag Editor’s genre selector menu
– Fixed: The Audio Library does not suggest to create a new group in some cases when navigating by fields values
– Fixed: %IN macros is expanded incorrectly when sending files from playlist to external directory
– Fixed: Small bugs and defects

AIMP v3.11とかになるのだろうか。(どうも、3.20になるようですね。9月にベータリリースがあるらしいです。)

まずは、ハッピーバースデイ! 今後に期待してますよ・・

AIMP v3.10 メジャーバージョンがリリース

AIMP v3.10 メジャーバージョンがついにリリース

問題は、サウンドエンジンの出来栄えなのだが、今回のバージョンでは、明らかに、前回のバージョンの派手さを軽減させ、より自然な原音に近い音にしつつ、メリハリを残すといった方向性のようで、すっきりして聴きやすく、ひつこさがない音質に仕上がったのではないだろうか。AIMP3.0-Final Versionと、聴き比べても、遜色がなく、良い音に仕上がったのではないだろうか。大抵のプレーヤーでは、音量を上げ過ぎると聴くべくもない音質が、AIMP3.10では、すっきりしたリニアリティーを実現している。

AIMP v3.10 Build 1065 (04.07.2012)

– Fixed: File is moved from the source folder to another one instead of copied when dragging the file from the playlist
– Fixed: Player used to jump over one track after deleting file from the playlist
– Fixed: Incompatibility with Synaptics TouchPad
– Fixed: Incremental search does not work in the bookmarks popup window
– Fixed: AIMP rewrites information about the integration to Windows Registry on applying settings
– Fixed: The exception “Cannot open the file” occurs on multithreading encoding from a file in the WavPack format (+ CUE)
– Fixed: Audio Library ignores the number of playbacks for each file when it generates report about the favourite audio files
– Fixed: Memory leak occurs when working with the MP3 Encoder
– Fixed: Small bugs and defects

AIMP v3.10 Build 1061 (29.06.2012)

* Audio Converter: Displaying the progress of conversion operation in window caption has been added
* Common: Localizations has been updated
* Player: The following equalizer presets has been added: Headphones / Reggae / Ska / Techno

– Fixed: Audio Converter incorrectly calculates target sample rate in some cases
– Fixed: Playback cursor does not resets after playlist clearing
– Fixed: Incompatibility with the Skype – its not allow to drop the files on the input box, if its not focused
– Fixed: Bugs with displaying the Equalizer Window when using old skin
– Fixed: Track removes from playing queue twice at the start of playback
– Fixed: Small bugs and defects

相変わらず、サウン効果 – MOD のモード設定には、疑問が残るが、トータル的に音質が向上しているのでよしとしようか。また、今回のバージョンからは、リリースノートには、明確に書かれていないが、アルバムアートワークに対する互換性が上がっており、前回のバージョンで修正された筈の実は完全でなかった部分の修正が施されているようだ。

